4 hours ago
Friday, March 30, 2012
Is Kony2012's Gain The African Union's Loss?
The African Union has announced they will be sending 5,000 troops to put an end to the vicious reign of warlord Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army once and for all. The AU's action comes on the heels of the most successful viral video ever, the Kony2012 campaign, which brought the attrocities of the LRA to a global audience. But is the mission to stop Kony coming at the expense of the African Union's peacekeeping mission in Somalia? Head on over to PolicyMic and check out my latest post to see the rest of the story.
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Failed States,
Human Rights,
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Kenya Joins The Big Oil Club
It looks like we can add Kenya to the list of the world's petro-states.
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Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki
made the announcement live Monday on Kenyan TV that a prospect well had struck
a reservoir of crude oil in the northwestern part of the country. The test well was drilled by Tullow Oil Plc, a Britsih company that specializes in oil
prospecting and production in Africa.
Previously, Tullow discovered oil in neighboring Uganda, kickstarting
the oil industry in that country.
It is still too early to determine
the true value of the Kenyan oil reserve, more test wells will first need to be
drilled. But the early indications are
positive – the oil drawn from the reserve appears to be of good quality, while
Tullow said that the strike went “beyond their expectations”. Kenyan officials, meanwhile, seemed to be
incredibly optimistic during the press conference. President Kibaki talked about Kenya becoming an
oil exporter in three years, while Kenya's Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi
promised that: “we will make sure that the oil in
Kenya is a blessing for the people of Kenya and not a curse.”
Murungi was referring there to the
“resource curse” - the paradox that often strikes developing countries when a
natural resource is discovered: rather than sparking the development of the
nation as a whole, the resource often leads to the concentration of wealth in
the hands of a few, widespread corruption, and rampant poverty for the
masses. We talked about the resource
curse here recently when oil was discovered in the Puntland region of Somalia.
Kenya should be well-positioned to
avoid the resource curse though. The
country has reached a fair level of development already and has a democratic
government, albeit a somewhat flawed one, two factors that should help to
ensure that any future oil revenues are distributed properly among Kenya's
citizens. A few weeks ago Kenya
announced the construction of a multi-billion port facility outside the coastal
city of Lamu, that will include an oil import/export terminal. Originally this facility was meant to be at
the end of a pipeline running from South Sudan, allowing the South Sudanese to
export their oil without sending it north to export facilities in Sudan, since
relations between the two nations are generally terrible. But the facility at Lamu could also be used
to export any Kenyan crude to eagerly-awaiting markets in Asia as well.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Senegal's Surprise Election Result
One of the nice things in writing about international affairs is that sometimes you get pleasant surprises.
Count the election results out of Senegal as one of those
surprises. Heading into last Sunday's
election, Senegal showed signs of following that all-to-familiar African
script: an aging strongman leader trying to hold onto power by any means
necessary. But then 85-year old
President Abdoulaye Wade made a surprise move, he conceded defeat to his
opponent, former Prime Minister Macky Sall, just hours after the polls closed
when early results showed that Wade was heading to a solid defeat in the runoff

It deteriorated further when Wade decided to run for a third
term as president, sidestepping a change to Senegal's constitution that limited
the president to two terms in office on the grounds that the amendment had been
passed after he first took office. Then, on the eve of the election, several
opposition candidates, including N'Dour, were barred from the ballot. All were signs that Wade was trying to turn
Senegal's presidency into a vehicle for his continued grip on power, which made
Wade's quick concession to Sall all the more surprising.
Sall won by running on a platform that promised an improved
quality of life for Senegal's more than 12 million residents by providing
increased employment opportunities and cutting taxes on staples like rice. Wade had become unpopular in Senegal over the
perception that he had become out of touch with the problems faced by average
Senegalese. An ill-conceived plan to
electrify Senegal's rural areas had left the country suffering from frequent
black-outs, which had a negative effect on the economy; meanwhile, Wade spent
more than $27 million on a massive statue called “African Renaissance” that
looms above the capital, Dakar, from a hillside on the outskirts of the city.
Many Senegalese are hoping that the quick and peaceful
democratic transition will serve as a signal to the international community
about the stability of Senegal, which remains the only nation in western Africa
never to have suffered from a military coup in its 50 years since independence,
and will lead to an increase in foreign aid and investment.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Iran, The War, and Everything
Since it is now the Persian New Year (Happy Nowruz), it seemed like a good
time to run the infographic below that illustrates how foreign powers nibbled
away at the territory of Iran during the 19th and 20th
centuries, which might just explain why the Iranians are rather particular
about being ordered around by the international community.
But energy industry analysts are
becoming more convinced that a conflict with Iran is in fact imminent, based in
part on an executive order signed on Friday by President Obama that,
among other things, orders executive departments and agencies responsible for
plans and programs relating to national defense to “be prepared, in the event
of a potential threat to the security of the United States, to take actions
necessary to ensure the availability of adequate resources and production
capability, including services and critical technology for national defense
requirements.” Get that? Analysts say
that the order effectively would, in a time of national emergency, give the
President effective control over the country's natural resources. And the only national emergency the analysts
see on the horizon is a potential conflict with Iran. The White House tried to downplay the impact
of the executive order on Monday, saying that it was similar to executive
orders signed by several other presidents in the past and should not be taken
as a sign of an impending war.
The New York Times
meanwhile, is reporting that the Iranian conflict could prove to be quite costly for America. A leaked war game
scenario carried out by the Pentagon earlier in the month projected up to 200
American casualties after a US warship was attacked by Iranian forces in
retaliation for Israeli airstrikes against their nuclear research
facilities. This attack then draws the
United States into a large-scale conflict with Iran. Pentagon officials stressed that this was one
of a number of possible outcomes, but admitted that an Israeli attack would
spark off a series of reactions that were both “unpredictable and
My prediction is that if the
Israelis launch their oft-threatened airstrike, it will be before our November
presidential elections. The clock keeps
US Foreign Policy,
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Could Khodorkovsky Be Freed?
Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that pardoning jailed Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky is a good idea.
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Four days ago, the human rights council appointed by
Russia's soon-to-be-ex President Dmitry Medvedev recommended that the President
pardon Khodorkovsky before turning the office over to Vladimir Putin; I made
the same case recently in an op-ed over at PolicyMic that freeing Khodorkovsky
would not only be the right thing to do, but would also assure more of a legacy
for Medvedev than simply being remembered as Putin's temporary seat-filler.
Khodorkovsky was once Russia's richest man and the head of
one of Russia's most-powerful corporations, the oil conglomerate Yukos. But Khodorkovsky broke an unspoken agreement
between Putin and the oligarch class with his donations to a political party in
Siberia. The full legal force of the
State was soon brought down on Khodorkovsky, who in 2003 was charged and
eventually jailed for tax evasion. In
late 2010, Khodorkovsky was charged again on largely the same evidence and
years were tacked on to his sentence, time enough to keep him in jail through
the presidential elections held earlier this March.
Khodorkovsky's supporters have long contended that the tax
evasion charges were a personal vendetta on the part of Vladimir Putin, arguing
that if this was the legal standard, then all of Russia's oligarchs
should be jailed. Even though Medvedev
has the power to pardon Khodorkovsky, his supporters are not optimistic. For one, it seems that in order to get the
pardon, Khodorkovsky would have to admit his guilt, something Khodorkovsky
refuses to do since he contends he's not guilty of anything. An admission of guilt is not necessary for a
pardon under Russian law, a point ruled on several times by Russia's Supreme
Court, though there is a belief that Medvedev would insist on one in order to
give Khodorkovsky his pardon.
This could also simply be an excuse for Medvedev not to
exercise his pardon power.
Khodorkovsky's backers further believe that ultimately the decision on
whether or not to pardon Khodorkovsky will come from Putin, not Medvedev. Putin and Khodorkovsky have an active dislike
of each other. In the past Putin has
dismissed claims that Khodorkovsky's prosecution was politically-motivated and
has insisted that “thieves should sit in jail,” for his part, Khodorkovsky has
issued a series of letters from his prison cell in Russia's remote Far East
condemning the Putin presidency for failing to fight corruption and for
concentrating political power within the Kremlin.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Pussy Riot Arrests
Last month we brought you the story of Pussy Riot – the
feminist punk rock band who have been causing a stir in their native Russia
over the past few months with their politically-charged lyrics and public
protest performances – unfortunately, the band seems to have finally pushed
officials a little too far. The
Guardian is reporting that six members of the band were arrested last Saturday, with two members remaining in custody.
The arrests are blatantly political in nature, and stem from
a performance given a few weeks earlier; that the arrests happened the day
before Vladimir Putin reclaimed the presidency of Russia is not mere
coincidence, the two members still in custody, Nadezhda
Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhin, reportedly were told that the case against
them came “from the highest levels.”
The charges faced by Pussy Riot are quite serious, unlike the 15-day
detentions often passed out to troublesome critics of the Kremlin.
The charges stem from an impromptu performance in February
at Moscow's iconic Christ the Savior cathedral, where members of Pussy Riot
rushed to the altar and performed what they call a “punk prayer” imploring the
Virgin Mary to free Russia from Vladimir Putin. Russian officials were not
amused, and are leveling serious charges at Pussy Riot's members saying in an
official statement that they are investigating the case as a crime “involving a gross violation of public order, including
inciting religious hatred as part of a planned conspiracy,” punishable by up to
seven years in prison.
Interestingly, in the comments
section of The Guardian piece there was a note about an article in
Russia's Novaya Gazeta written by an Orthodox priest who compared the
Pussy Riot performance to the acts of an iurodiviy, or a kind of “holy
fool” noted in Russian history who says outrageous things as a way of speaking
truth to power. In their official statement about the arrests, Pussy Riot notes
that: “our patriarch [head of the Russian Orthodox church] is not ashamed of
wearing watches worth $40,000, which is intolerable when so many families in
Russia are on the edge of poverty.”
The arrests of Pussy Riot, along
with dozens of other arrests at the small protests that sprang up in Moscow as
the results of last Sunday's election were announced, send a signal that the
new Putin administration is growing tired of the public protests and is looking
to clamp down on displays of opposition to his rule. We'll keep following the developments
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Somalia's Latest Problem: The Resource Curse
It is looking like Somalia may have another problem to soon
deal with: the resource curse.
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The first oil from a new well drilled in northern Somalia
could flow to the surface just weeks from now.
As is typically the case when a new national resource is discovered in
an under-developed nation, the new oil patch is being described as the cure for
Somalia's ills – a domestic source of income that will promote stability and
development for the nation that will bring the Somalia diaspora home. The reality is much more problematic.
While Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has
signed deals for oil exploration, the oil field is actually located in the
northern part of the country in Puntland, a semi-autonomous region of Somalia
that has little to do with the TFG. To
further complicate matters, the TFG's mandate runs out in August (it is suppose
to be a “transitional” government after all), so what will happen to their
authority to enter into contracts such as this is a question. And the presence of foreigners looking for
wealth in their land has drawn the attention of Somalia's Islamist militants. A little-known Islamist militia,
which according to The Guardian is led by the ridiculously named Shiekh
Atom, has pledged loyalty to Somalia's top terror group, al-Shabaab and has
declared all oil contracts signed in Puntland to be null and void.
Some Somalis are also skeptical about the potential for oil
to save their country. It is a promise
that seldom works out as well as promised, especially in Africa. One only has to look at oil-producing
countries like Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria, where the quality of life for the
population in the oil-producing regions has actually gotten worse since the
discovery of oil, for evidence of this trend.
A number of Somalis cited in articles about Puntland's oil are skeptical
of the alleged windfall coming to their nation and worry that most of the
wealth will wind up in the hands of foreign companies.
There also seems to be a little confusion over what's
actually being drilled in Puntland in the first place. When a potential new oil or gas reserve is
discovered, it is practice to first drill a test well to analyze the quality and
commercial viability of the field. Yet
in a conference on Somalia last week, British Prime Minister David Cameron said
that not only was the first oil expected to flow from the Puntland well in the
coming weeks, but that pipelines had also already been laid to the coast so
that the oil could be exported – construction of a pipeline typically doesn't
occur until you know you have a viable field on your hands, otherwise it is a
lost investment.
The oil news out of Puntland also puts this story from December
2010 in greater context. The government
of Puntland had announced the signing of a deal with a shadowy private security
firm; the deal was allegedly to fight pirates along the Somali coast, yet security
efforts were focused inland. The
suggestion at the time was that firm's real purpose was to protect foreign
workers who were prospecting for natural gas reserves in Puntland's
Failed States,
Unrecognized States
Monday, March 5, 2012
Electile Dysfunction
The outcome of Sunday's presidential election in Russia was
never really in doubt, it was a given that, despite the rash of street protests
against him that have marked the past few months, Vladimir Putin would once again be the President of Russia. The only real open questions were what would
be his margin of victory and would the vote be fair.
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It seems like the answers to those questions are “too much”
and “no”. According to reports this
morning, Putin received roughly 65% of the votes cast – the ballot-counting is
not yet complete, but this is being taken as the official margin of
victory. If this 65% figure holds, then
Putin wildly outperformed the pre-election polls, which at one point had him in
the mid-40s, before moving back above the 50% threshold (where he'd avoid the
need for a second-round run-off vote) in the weeks just before the
election. This plays into the story
coming from Russian groups like GOLOS and election monitors from the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), who are both
talking about widespread reports of “carousel voting” - where one group of
“voters” are transported from polling station to polling station, casting votes
for Putin at each. OSCE also slammed the
Russian election for not being open to opposition parties beyond the small
Kremlin-approved group allowed on the ballot.
The reply out of the Kremlin was predictable; the claims of
voter fraud were dismissed as fabrications as they always are. For his part, Putin talked of the “great
victory” he had won for Russia against some vaguely defined opposition force,
though the implication was that foreign powers were trying to install some sort
of puppet government to control Russia.
It's worth noting here that Putin has repeatedly tried to dismiss the
large-scale public protests sparked by Russia's last rigged election this past
December as being orchestrated by shadowy “foreign powers”.
Meanwhile, Iran also held elections last Friday for their
parliament. By this morning, the votes
had largely been counted and were showing a big victory for the faction controlled
by Ayatollah Khamenei over the
faction controlled by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It is now widely expected that Khamenei will
use his expanded base of power to try to effectively sideline the populist
Ahmadinejad, or perhaps to simply amend Iran's constitution to eliminate the
position of president entirely and get rid of the troublesome Ahmadinejad
Of course, the Iranian election has its flaws as well. Opposition parties were largely absent from
the ballot, making the vote really a choice between the hardliners and the
even-more-hardline hardliners. It was
the widespread belief that there had been voter fraud in Iran's last
parliamentary elections in 2009 that sparked the “Green Movement”, which for a
brief period of time, looked like it might lead to large-scale reform in
Iran. Not wanting a possible repeat,
most opposition/reformist parties were simply banned from the ballot in advance
of last Friday's vote. Opposition groups
then called for a boycott of the vote, which set the stage for a Khamenei vs.
Ahmadinejad battle at the ballot box.
It is too early yet to tell what impact the result of last
Friday's vote might have on the ongoing standoff between Iran and the US/Israel
over Iran's nuclear program, nor can we tell yet what will be the fallout from
the apparently fixed elections in Russia, two factors that should make the next
few weeks very interesting.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Kenya's Big Port Gamble
Amid much fanfare and in the presence of international
dignitaries, Kenya broke ground today on a major port complex that, if
successful, could propel the country into the ranks of “developed” nations and
serve as a catalyst for regional stability.
Or it could also turn into a multi-billion dollar boondoggle for the
East African nation....
The port complex near the town of Lamu on the Indian Ocean
coastline in southern Kenya will be the country's largest-ever infrastructure
project, with initial construction costs budgeted at a whopping $24.5
billion. It will include berths for 32
ocean-going ships along with an oil export facility. But the port will not just be for Kenya's
benefit – a new railway, super-highway and oil pipeline will link Lamu to
Ethiopia and South Sudan as well.
This last link is especially important. When South Sudan left Sudan last summer, they
took with them the bulk of Sudan's oil reserves. The South Sudanese economy is almost totally
reliant on oil sales for revenue, but all of the existing infrastructure links
South Sudan's oil fields with refineries and export terminals in Sudan. When South Sudan embargoed shipments of oil
north to Sudan over a payment dispute earlier this year, there was some fear
that the dispute could reignite fighting between the two sides – South Sudan
previously fought a decades-long war for independence against the
Khartoum-based government in the north.
For South Sudan Lamu represents nothing short of an economic
lifeline, a way to export their only commodity while avoiding the bottleneck in
Sudan. South Sudan's President Salva
Kiir was on hand for the official groundbreaking along with his counterpart,
Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi – Ethiopia lost their own Red Sea coastline
following the independence of the region of Eritrea in 1993. For their part, Kenya is banking on Lamu to
help to move them towards their goal of being considered a developed nation by
There are, however, some problems with the Lamu project. It is a huge expense for Kenya to undertake
right now, despite the potential it provides for future economic growth; those
projections though are speculative, Kenya is assuming that Lamu will become a
transportation hub in the decades to come, something that is far from a sure
bet. Pristine mangrove forests and coral
reefs are being destroyed so that the port facilities can be constructed,
leaving environmentalists to worry about the long-term impacts the project will
have on the local ecosystem. And
according to the BBC World Service, the indigenous Lamu people opposed the
project as an unnecessary seizure of their historic lands. The Lamu have also said that they have not
been adequately compensated for their losses because land in their society was
traditionally handed down through extended families by custom and without
official land deeds, meaning official ownership of much of the land was
difficult, if not impossible, to prove.
But the Lamu port project is moving forward, whether it
becomes the catalyst for regional development and stability that leaders
promised at the groundbreaking remains to be seen.
Russia's New Era Of Stagnation
Russians will be going to the polls on Sunday to return
Vladimir Putin to the presidency.
Despite the mass public protests that have filled the snowy streets of
Russia's major cities, the fact that Putin will once again be elected president
isn't in doubt, though two outstanding questions: whether he'll avoid a run-off
by getting 50% of the vote and whether or not that vote will be fair in the
first place, remain.
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Over at PolicyMic today, I take a look at the upcoming election,
and how Putin's return could lead to a period of economic and social stagnation
in Russia not seen since the 1970s. Surf
on over and give it a read.
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