Kyoto is scheduled to expire at the end of 2012. Talks on a follow-up agreement to Kyoto have
dragged on, in part because of a fundamental split between developed and
developing nations. Canada has taken the position that any future
agreement needs to include caps on emissions by countries like China and
India. For their part, China and India
(and other countries) have replied that they are still “developing” nations and
that hard caps on GHG emissions could stifle their economic growth, and add
that since the developed nations are responsible for much of the existing
levels of GHGs in the atmosphere, it isn't fair to hold the developing
countries to the same standard (it is something of a dubious argument, but it
is one they are sticking to).

Speaking of the Oil Sands, Canada has possibly gained an
ally in an ongoing fight with the European Union over the Oil Sands. The EU has been openly discussing barring the
import of any petroleum products from the Oil Sands on the grounds that it is a
“dirty” source of oil and that the GHG emissions from Oil Sands extraction and
production is unacceptably high. The
Canadian government has been aggressively pushing back, arguing both that the
Oil Sands do not emit as many GHGs as critics claim and that it is unfair to
single out the Oil Sands from other so-called sources of heavy crude oil, like
imports from Venezuela, among other nations, since all heavy crude requires
extensive processing to turn it into gasoline and other petroleum
products. According to a report, the
United Kingdom though is “secretly” siding with Canada. Liberal Democrat
minister Norman Baker was quoted as basically agreeing with the
Canadians, saying: “We believe that means tackling all highly polluting crudes
equally, not simply oil sands from one particular country. These certainly
represent a problem, but so do other crudes, and it makes no environmental
sense to ignore these.” Canada currently
doesn't send any Oil Sands products to Europe, but it does not want to lose
Europe as a potential market and the government fears that an EU ruling could
set a precedent that would make Oil Sands products more difficult to sell on
the open market. And while I can't
imagine China for one caring much about the GHG footprint of the Oil Sands,
they could demand steep discounts for Oil Sands products if they know Canada
doesn't have many other viable markets.
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