Part of her critique is quite familiar: that the US media
only turns to Africa during times of outright disaster/war or when there is an
“American” angle to a story: the viral media sensation of the KONY2012 campaign
being an example of the latter. And
African reporting tends to quickly fallback on to outright ethnic stereotypes –
comparing events in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to Joseph Conrad's
book Heart of Darkness, for example.
But the why of this situation is where the story
really starts to get interesting. Seay
lays the blame on American press outlets trying to do African reportage on the
cheap and accuses American journalists of frankly being rather lazy in their
duties. Most major US media outlets rely
on only two or three correspondents to cover the entire vast African
continent. Based in some of Africa's
most metropolitan cities – Nairobi, Johannesburg – they are expected to
parachute (figuratively, not literally) into hotspots as the need arises, even
if that hotspot is on the other side of the continent. Imagine if a foreign news outlet expected
their New York City-based reporter to run out to Iowa to cover a sudden blight
of the corn crop, a topic well outside their expertise, and you get an idea of
the point Seay is trying to make.
Meanwhile, those journalists who do find themselves in
Africa, tend to be rather lazy. Seay
gives the example of reporters headed to the war-torn borderlands between Sudan
and South Sudan. With no knowledge of
the local situation or language, reporters tend to rely on locally-based
“fixers”. In South Sudan, one prominent
fixer is an American expat named Ryan Boyette, who
was the subject of several human interest profiles by outlets like NBC and the New
York Times in the span of just a few weeks.
It wasn't always this way, once
outlets like NBC or the Times maintained extensive networks of
locally-based foreign correspondents.
But these positions have been a victim of cost-cutting measures. The result has been a noticeable decline in
both the quality and quantity of foreign affairs reporting by US media
outlets. All of which reminds me of a
recent discussion I had with a friend whom I hadn't seen in a long time. We talked about the world, and the media
coverage of it. For world news, it turns
out we both relied primarily on a selection of foreign sources: the BBC,
al-Jazeera English, even the occasional program on Russia Today; given Seay's
critique, perhaps that's no surprise.